StoaHub - Fee Operations
When you tournament is ready for registration, you can mange all tournament fees.
Go to Admin - Entries - Fees
From here, you can see the Fee Sheets for each registered family.
If you click on Tournament Charges, you can see that each charge is a line item that you can click on and edit.
Let's say that you wanted to waive the automatic Late Fee Charge from the above picture. Just simply click on that fee, click the box that says "Delete Charge" and hit update. From this same screen, you can also adjust the fee amount if you want to charge 1/2 or any custom amount. Simply enter any amount you'd like and hit save. This way you don't have to credit someone for some of the charges.
Now it's gone.
If you want to add a fee that was not automatically assessed, you can do that from the Tournament Charges menu. Select the family you want to charge the fee;
Select the fee type. For this example, the "Bear" family registered after the late fee deadline, so I need to manually charge them a late fee.
Enter the fee amount.
Type a comment for what the fee was for. Once you have done that, click "Save".
The late fee charge will now show up for the Bear family.
The family will get an automated email letting them know that they have a new charge that they need to go back in and pay for.
For the "Payments" option, you will use this to log payments that are made outside of StoaHub, such as cash, checks, and any other payment methods.
For the "Redeemed Coupons" option, you can see all the coupons that have been used. To apply a coupon to a family's registration, click on "Manually Add Coupon" at the right of the screen.
Select the family you want to apply the coupon to, and then select the coupon you want to use. It's best to click the box that says "Override Coupon Restrictions" so the coupon isn't blocked by a setting.
To learn how to do refunds, go to this article: