StoaHub - Refunds

If there is a credit due to a family, there are 2 ways to give a refund.

The first is that manual option. Log into your stripe account and refund whatever amount to a specific family. Once you've done that, you'll go to your tournament in StoaHub, go to Admin-Entries-Fees-Fee Sheets. There you'll see all the families.

In this example, I owe the Demo family a refund of $22. Click on the refund tab on the left.

When you select the family you want to refund, their fee sheet will appear. This will help you verify that you have the right family.

Enter the Refund amount. Select a reason. Then type a comment or description of the refund and click save.

You can then go back to the Fee Sheets and see that the refund was processed.

The second way is the automatic option... COMING SOON

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