StoaTrax - Judge check-in
Judge Check-in is VITAL for StoaTrax because you must confirm that we have the judge’s correct cell phone number and club affiliation (for both speech and debate) in the database.
ALL Ballot Push staff must be familiar with the procedure to Create a Judge profile, since parents will, by default, come there after Parent Check-in is closed.
Set up:
1. Laptops logged in to StoaTrax [your tournament site].
2. Go to Judges tab
3. Arrange name tags in alphabetical order on table
4. Have blank name tags available. (both paper and plastic name badge holder)
5. [Optional] One laptop is connected to the label printer (Dymo 450). Laptop must have the drivers loaded. If using a label printer, make sure to print a test label BEFORE you start checking people in to avoid delays. To do this, create a test judge.
6. Have TAB print you a list of “Participating Schools”. This lists the abbreviations for clubs, and the club’s full name.
Procedure for Check-in
1. When judge comes to the table, type their name in the Filter in StoaTrax (Judges’ Tab)
● NOTE: ALWAYS start with this, even if they don’t see their name tag, or say they have not registered. Do NOT assume they are not in StoaTrax. Confirm it!
● Having one judge with 2 different judge numbers will cause problems.
2. Read Cell phone number AND club affiliations to the judge to confirm
● If either is blank, you must edit the profile and add these. To edit a profile, simply click on the judge's name.
Be sure that debate club AND speech club fields are entered with their club name or enter “None” if they don’t belong to either debate or speech club.
It is critical that you spell the club name exactly as it appears on the list of clubs printed from Joy of Tournaments. Otherwise, StoaTrax will not catch conflicts when comparing the judge’s club to that of the competitors.
● Their CELL number needs to be in the CELL spot in StoaTrax. If there is no number in CELL, then StoaTrax will not allow a ballot to be assigned. You can skip the home phone as it's not needed.
3. Once cell phone number and club affiliation are confirmed, press “Check-in” button on the right.
4. Have them take their name tag
If there is any judge whose name is not in StoaTrax, you need to create them.
*If a judge does not want to give their phone number or email address, just type in a fake one. You cannot leave the cell phone and email fields blank.*
- Click Create Judge
● Required fields: Name, Cell #, State, Debate club, Speech club (“none” is an option). Community judges are not required to be affiliated with a debate club and/or speech club. They can skip those if needed.
■ Make sure Debate/Speech clubs are correctly entered (FULL spelling, exactly as it is listed in the “Participating Schools” sheet from TAB; do NOT use the abbreviations!)
■ StoaTrax uses the full name of the club to look for conflicts. If you use the abbreviation, StoaTrax will not catch a club conflict.
● Hit “Submit” and then check them in on the next page.
- Send the judge to the one station that is connected to the printer
● Print badge, affix it to paper background, insert into plastic name badge holder OR insert into plastic name badge holder if there is no paper background.
- StoaTrax will generate a Judge ID number, and this will print on the name tag. Judges MUST have a Judge ID number before they can take a ballot.
- If a judges loses their name badge, you can look up the Judge ID number for them in the Judges’ tab.