StoaHub - How to do online postings

The fixed tab for postings on StoaHub is not ready for use yet. The postings link on the left side of the tournament homepage will not be editable or live.

To create an alternate Postings Link, navigate to Admin-Setup-Homepage and select Links on the left and complete the form to create a new postings page. 

Title the page something like “Postings” or “The Real Postings” if you want to differentiate it from the first postings link on the homepage (which leads to the tab-linked postings to be used in the future).

PDFs of each posting will need to get loaded into a Google Drive or Dropbox folder before they can be linked to the StoaHub website. The files will need to be viewable for anyone who has the link (via Google or Dropbox settings). It is best to set this up ahead of time so that tab staff can save PDF versions of the postings in the correct folder.

There are two options for creating the postings page in StoaHub: 

  1. Use a link and redirect the users to a Google Doc. (Sample)
    1. To do this, select “url” from the Link Type list.
    2. Paste the link to the Google Doc into the URL box. Note that the https:// part of the link should not be included.
    3. When the posting document is ready to be live, slide the slider bar to right to make it active and input a number for the order you want the page to appear on the side bar.
    4. Things to note:
      1. The google doc should be set up ahead of time and can be formatted to look like your tournament pages. 
      2. Rounds can be listed on the page but links should not be shared until postings are ready to be shared with the tournament. The page is essentially “live” to all viewers.
      3. Set the Google Doc “Share” options so that anyone with the link is a “viewer.”
      4. This is a convenient option if you would like the tab staff to have access to edit this document and post on their own.

  1. Use a popup page within StoaHub.
    1. To do this, select “text” from the Link Type list.
    2. The box under “Description” is what will display in the Pop-up page.
      1. Type the rounds into the box that will be used to display the postings.
      2. Use the “Format” option to link the postings to the text.
    3. When the posting document is ready to be live, slide the slider bar to right to make it active and input a number for the order you want the page to appear on the side bar.
    4. Things to note:
      1. Rounds can be pre-listed on the page but links should not be shared until postings are ready to be shared with the tournament. The page is essentially “live” to all viewers. When the posting link is added, everyone will be able to see it.
      2. Tab staff will need to have admin access to the website setup if they will be editing the Postings pop-up page.
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