StoaHub - Setting up Fees

  1. To set up fees for your tournament, you have two options. The first is in the Guided Setup. It will only have the basic fee setup options. For more detailed options, use the second solution in step 2.

  1. The other place is in Admin - Setup - Fees. This option will also display the late payment fee and drop payment fee options, as well as coupons and discounts.

  1. Setup - This is where you will choose to connect either your Stripe account or your PayPal account in order to collect tournament fees.

  1. Fees - This tab is where you will set all the fees for your tournament.

Family Fee - This is a fee charged to all families in attendance

Per Competitor Fee - This will charge families a fee per competitor registered at the tournament regardless of the number of entries.

Graduated Fees - This is where you will set the price of the events.

Let's say you want to charge $35 for the first 2 speech events, and $10 for each additional one. It would look like this:

Someone entering 4 speech events would be charged $90, $35 each for the first 2 ($70), then another $10 each for the second 2 ($20).

Make sure you put at least a 1 in all of your event columns that you are using, otherwise students won't be charged.

Late Payment Fee - This will charge families a fee for late registration payments. Set to $0 to not charge a late payment fee. You can set the late payment fee to kick in automatically after a certain date.

Drop Payment Fee - This will charge families a fee for each event a student drops. You can set the drop fee to kick in automatically after a certain date.

Once your fees are set, make sure that each of your events have a fee category assigned to them. Here are the category options:

When you go to Admin-Setup-Events, click on each event one at a time and make sure they have a category selected. If there is no fee category selected, that event won't show up on family fee sheets.

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