StoaHub - Setting up your Patterns and Schedule

There are two ways to set up your patterns and schedule. You can either do it in the Guided Setup, or in the Admin - Setup - Tournament Setup


If you're in the guided setup:

When you get to "Event Patterns", you can make up to 5 patterns here. To make more, you'll have to go to Admin - Setup - Patterns.

Each Pattern will represent a group of events. A typical tournament will have 2 speech patterns, 1 pattern for TD/LD debate, and 1 pattern for Parli. This is what that would look like:

Let's say you only have 1 pattern of speech, 1 pattern for TP/LD, and 1 pattern for Parli. It would look like this:

If you have junior events, make a pattern for those. An example would be 1 pattern for junior speech and 1 pattern for junior debate. If you need more than 5 patterns, go to the Admin - Setup - Patterns area.


You must create your patterns before you create your schedule. Here are the different items on the schedule page and what you need to know about them:

Schedule Block:

A schedule block is a block of time where something is happening. It could be a block of time for announcements, check in, events, meals, awards, etc. Everything in your tournament happens during a Schedule Block.

Label Type:

A Label Type is a schedule block that has no events. Any block of time that does not include events needs to be marked as a Label Type. You'll need to click "Yes, this is a label type schedule block" for these non event blocks. If it blue, you have selected it correctly.

For schedule blocks that DO include events, you'll want to make sure that the Label Type is NOT selected. It it is grey, you have selected it correctly for schedule blocks with events.


This is where you will select the day and time of each schedule block. The time zone will whatever your tournament is set to.


This is where you will select which pattern the schedule block is assigned to. For all "Label Type" schedule blocks, you will not select a pattern. Just leave it alone.

Pattern Letter in Posting:

This is for identifying which pattern a schedule block is in. This will be automatically selected, and should be left on for most rounds.

Here are a few scenarios where you want to turn it off.

Speech outrounds if you have 2 patterns - Because you made a speech pattern A and B, you don't want to have 2 different finals blocks. For Speech Finals, you'll select pattern A, then UNCHECK the "Yes, include pattern letter in postings", and put Speech Finals in the description. It should look like this:

Or if you want to split your debate finals and have TP finals in 1 block and LD finals in another. It would look like this:

If TP and LD finals are happening at the same time, you DON'T have to separate them.


This is where you describe what is happening during that pattern. For example, if this is round 1 of pattern A, you'll type "Round 1" in the description box. You don't have to put the pattern description here, since you've already selected the pattern in the previous step. It should look like this:

Duration in Minutes:

This is where you will put how long that schedule block is. We have some preset times, or you can customize your time.

Prep Time Message:

This is a future feature and currently does not display anywhere. You can leave it blank.

More Details

To access a more detailed page for your schedule blocks, go to Admin - Setup Schedule

Here you can create more schedule blocks, as well as edit any existing schedule blocks.

You can edit the day and time, pattern, description, and duration. Unfortunately, if you accidentally created a schedule block and labeled it as a Label Type but there are actual events happening during that time, you'll need to delete that block and create it again.


If you have to reorder and of the schedule blocks, you can do that here:

Just click on the three lines next to any schedule block and drag it to where you want it.

Judge Caps & Goals

This is where you set your judging goals per pattern. You'll notice that any block that is a Label Type will not allow judges to sign up and there are no goals. Only rounds that have events will be able to collect judge information.


If you accidentally deleted a schedule, you can recover it here.

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