StoaTrax - How To Import Students
Sign in to StoaHub
- Navigate to the Admin page of your StoaHub tournament website and click on Entries.
- On the Entries page, click on Export.
- From the Export page, download the StoaTrax Students csv file.
- Open the CSV file in Excel
Navigate to StoaTrax:
- In a separate page, navigate to your StoaTrax tournament site, login, and click on Entries.
- Click the Import Entries button to be ready to import the file.
Confirm Important Data:
- Club Names. Make sure club names in the spreadsheet match StoaTrax exactly. If they don’t match, your upload will have a flag to alert you.
- The quickest way to do this is to try and upload the spreadsheet and see what club names are flagged. Then look at the Club Namepage in StoaTrax to see how it is spelled.
- Use a Find and Replace function to change that name in your CSV file so that it matches StoaTrax.
- Student Club Names: Be sure there is a club name for both speech and debate for each student.
- Column Headers. Confirm that the column headers (top line) exactly match your events in StoaTrax.
- Be sure that the event names match. For example, Duo might need to say “Duo Interpretation” or “Duo Interp” - it should be exactly as the StoaTrax event is written.
- Also, the words “Partner First” and “Partner Last” need to be changed to “partner first” and “partner last” (the lowercase and uppercase letters matter).
- Double check that the number of entries in each event in StoaTrax matches the number of entries in Joy.
Note: You can import the file several times (catching multiple flags along the way), as long as you are over-writing the last entry file with the new one. This is easily done with the checkbox that says “Reset All Entries.”
- Once you have doubled checked everything, hit the SUBMIT button and WAIT. DO NOT REFRESH YOUR BROWSER.
- Once it's done, it'll take you back to the entries page and you can make sure all of event entries match. Then you're all set!