StoaTrax - How to Import Judges
We recommend that only 1 person be in charge of creating judge badges to avoid unnecessary confusion. There will be multiple uploads of judges. The first upload will happen a few days before the tournament and will be the majority of the judges. After the first upload, it is important to keep track of who the last judge imported was and when they registered. The file you will access has a registered at column so it's easy to keep track of who the last judge was.
- To access the judge file needed from your tournament, go to Admin-Entries-Export and click the Export Tab.
- You will see an option called StoaTrax with a Download .csv link. Click on that link and the file will download onto your computer.
- Open the file and clean up the information.
- Change all the headers in each column to match StoaTrax.
- Column A - Change Last Name to Last
- Column B - Change First Name to First
- Column C - Change Email Address to Email
- Column D - State can be left alone
- Column E - Change Cell Phone to Cell
- Column F - Insert a column to the right of Cell and label the column Phone
- Column G - Change Debate Club Long Name to Debate Club
- Column H - Delete current column of Debate Club short name, which would then make Column H Speech Club Long Name, which you'll need to rename Speech Club
- Column I - Delete current column of Speech Club short name, which would then make Column I Type, which you'll need to rename Kind
- Column J - Insert a column here and label it "Letter"
- Column K - Judge Number can be left alone
- Column L - Insert a new column here and label it Judge ID
- Column M - Registered at can be left alone
- Column N - Label this column Gender and enter n/a for all judges
- Names - Make sure judges have proper capitalization. How it appears in the spreadsheet will be how it prints on the judge badges.
- Email Address - This will be whatever is the default for the judge's StoaHub profile.
- State - Make sure all states are 2 letters
- Cell Phone - This will be whatever is the default for the judge's StoaHub profile.
- Phone - Leave this blank as we don't have home phones in StoaHub
- Debate Club - All parent and alumni judges need to be associated with a club to show club conflicts in StoaTrax. If a parent hasn't indicated a club, you need to find out what club they are from and enter that club here. Community judges can be left blank if they didn't enter a club conflict.
- Speech Club - All parent and alumni judges need to be associated with a club to show club conflicts in StoaTrax. If a parent hasn't indicated a club, you need to find out what club they are from and enter that club here. Community judges can be left blank if they didn't enter a club conflict.
- Kind - Can either be a Parent, Alumni, or Community.
- Letter- For all the Parents enter letter P, all Alumni with the letter A, and all Community with the letter C. Important. If their judge number is 3 digits (999 or less) you'll need to add a zero after their letter.
- Judge Number - Any judge number that is 4 digits is fine. If a judge number has 3 digits (999 and below) they will get a zero added to the front when you combine the letter with a zero from step i in the next step.
- Judge ID - You will need to combine columns J (Letter) and K (Judge Number). To do this, enter this formula in the first cell under Judge ID (L2): =J2&K2 - This will combine the letter in column J and number in column K. Copy this equation and paste in down the entire L column so that all Judge IDs will be a combined letter and number. Once you've done this, select the entire column K, right click on the column and select copy. Select the entire column K again and click Paste Value.
- This will give you a properly formatted judge number.
- Save the file. You do not need to delete any columns as StoaTrax will grab what it needs.
- Change all the headers in each column to match StoaTrax.
- Navigate to your StoaTrax tournament website and login.
- Click Judges on the left tab.
- Click on the blue "IMPORT JUDGES" option.
- Upload the file you just saved.
- The judges should all appear with all the correct information. If you made a mistake, you can always go back to the spreadsheet and correct it. Then try again.
- Congratulations. You have entered your judges.
To Print Judge Badges
- Click on the "Judges" tab.
- Click on the blue "PRINT JUDGES" button. This will download an Adobe file that will have 6 judge badges measuring 3 x 4 per page.
To upload additional Judges after the initial upload:
Follow the same steps above and then DELETE all of the judges on the spreadsheet that you already uploaded. Then, save the file. When you go to import into StoaTrax, make sure you DO NOT click the box that says "Reset all judges (not undoable)".
If you do that, all the previous barcodes will be null and they won't be able to be scanned. You are only uploading the new judges.