StoaTrax - How To Create a Tournament

If you are running StoaTrax at your tournament this year, here is how you set up your StoaTrax site.

  1. Go to Stoa's website . Click on the StoaTrax tab and fill out the submission form.
  2. Once you have received a reply from StoaTrax Administrators with your tournament url and login information, you can proceed.
  3. Navigate to your tournament site.
    1. Enter the user name and password for the tournament
    2. Click the three dots in the upper right corner and sign in to the google account that is associated with your StoaTrax profile.
  4. Add Events
    1. Click on the Events tab on the left of the screen.
    2. Click Add Event
      1. Type : Debate or Speech
      2. Multiple Round Authorized - Leave unchecked
      3. Pair - Check this box for events that require 2 people (Duo, Parliamentary, Team Policy)
      4. Name - Use the exact name of the event that is used in StoaHub and Joy. The name of the event must match across all data points.
      5. Short Code - These are all pre-loaded. Select the short code that matches the event you're creating.
      6. Resolution - You can leave this blank.
      7. Info URL - You can leave this blank.
      8. Press Submit.
    3. Repeat steps i-viii until all events are entered.
  5. Add Rounds
    1. Tab must first create the schedule and rounds in Joy of Tournaments before you can upload them into StoaTrax. Once you have the Joy file, you can proceed.
    2. Select "Tournament" in the left tab of StoaTrax
    3. You'll see an option that says "INIT & SETUP ROUNDS". Click on that.
    4. You'll be directed to drop your .jot file from Joy of tournaments into the box.
      1. For the "Reset all rounds for tournament (not undoable), only check this box if you made a mistake on a previous import and are starting over. Otherwise, leave it unchecked.
    5. A screen will appear that lists all of your events for the tournament. One by one, match each event with is corresponding event in the dropdown menu on the right side of the screen. Once you have finished, hit "Submit" and WAIT. DO NOT REFRESH YOUR BROWSER. Just be patient. It will load. Once your process is complete, it will take you back to your tournament page.
  6. Rename Rounds
    1. Click on "Rounds" on the left of the screen. For debate, you'll have to fix a few. Rounds 1-5 should be named correctly. However, round 6, and any outround, will have to be renamed. You'll notice that round 6 is named Round 11.
    2. For Parli and TP events;
      1. Click on the "Status" of round "11".
      2. Click Edit.
      3. Change the name to Round 6.
      4. Click "SUBMIT"
        1. If you have outrounds, click on the "Status" of that outround and rename it the correct outround, make sure "Flip For Sides" is checked, and hit SUBMIT.
    3. For LD events;
      1. Click on "Status" of round 1.
      2. Click Edit
      3. In the "Time2" area, enter the start time of the second flight, which is typically 45 minutes after the start of the first flight.
      4. Check the box that says "Flight".
      5. Click Submit and repeat that process for rounds 2-5.
      6. Click on the "Status" of round "11".
      7. Click Edit.
      8. Change the name to Round 6.
      9. In the "Time2" area, enter the start time of the second flight, which is typically 45 minutes after the start of the first flight.
      10. Check the box that says "Flight".
      11. Click Submit.
        1. If you have outrounds, click on the "Status" of that outround and rename it the correct outround, make sure "Flip For Sides" is checked, and hit SUBMIT. You do not have to click "Flight" for outrounds if they are all going at the same time.

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