Setting Up Joy of Tournaments

This article is to give you step by step instructions on setting up Joy of Tournaments for your tabulation. You can read over the entire Joy manual in the Tournament Resources section.

A. Install Joy of Tournaments

To download and install the software

a. Navigate to

b. Download the full software.

c. If you already have Joy of Tournaments installed on your computer, you should update the the newest version.

d. Follow the directions contained in the “Help Installing this Version” link on the Joy website immediately to the right of the above links.

i. Click on the “Windows XP Installation Instructions”

ii. In newer versions of Windows, you may need to run the file as an administrator (or log in to the Administrator account) in order to install the software. Find the downloaded file titled “trial.exe” (or“trial1.exe,” “trial2.exe,” etc, if you have downloaded more than once) and right click on the file and choose “run as administrator.”

B. View your Tournament Registration Website or Registration File

  1. In StoaHub, navigate to Admin - Entries - Export and click on Export.
  2. Under Joy of Tournaments, download the .csv file.

  1. Find all the student names that need some kind of attention

a.  Names not capitalized or names in ALL CAPS

b. Eliminate middle names – long names don’t display well in Joy (they crowd the postings) or when they are uploaded to Speechranks 

c. Eliminate II or III or Jr. – these also don’t display well

d. Eliminate nicknames – there is not enough room to display both given name and nickname

e. These caveats need to be checked for in both the student’s primary registration and for the student’s listing under partner registration


  1. Check for club name anomalies and duplications. Since StoaHub has to approve all club names before a student can join a club, there shouldn't be any.

a. Decide what names you want for clubs in Tab and how you want them displayed –

  1. Students (and associated data) can either be input manually or imported into Joy.

a. Smaller tournaments may find it simpler to manually input all student information into Joy.

b. Larger tournaments will likely find it easier and faster to import all student information into Joy.

  1. If you are confident that all students are registered with just one speech and debate club, then you can upload this file directly to Joy. Concatenate (combines the first and last name together) partner names first. Alternatively, you may use the StoaHub to Joy Converter. It automatically concatenates the names for you.

 8.     StoaHub to Joy Converter

a. Creates CSV files that can be uploaded to Joy of Tournaments for students participating in separate clubs for speech and debate.

b. Performs concatenation function automatically.

c. Also assists in the following functions:

i. Creating labels for student ballot envelopes.

ii. Creating badges for students iv. Creating “Tents” for debate events.

d.      Follow the directions in the StoaHub to Joy Converter Excel spreadsheet on the “Instructions” tab in the lower left hand corner of the spreadsheet. 

e.    See Section H for details on importing students into Joy.

C. General Tournament Setup in Joy of Tournaments

1.     Launch Joy of Tournaments

a.  If you get the message that a tournament is locked and a question about whether you want to override the lock -> choose Yes

2.     About Joy of Tournaments

a. Left Window Pane is navigation

b. Right Window Pane is the work area

i. Anything in the right pane can be printed by right-clicking -> Print

c. Menu Bar at the top

d. Learn to right-click

i. If you can’t find something, try right-clicking

ii. There are two or three ways to accomplish most tasks in Joy

3. File -> New

4. File -> Save

a. Opens Save As dialogue box

i. Navigate to where ever you want to save your tournament

ii. Click the Create New Folder icon (it looks like a yellow folder with an asterisks in the upper right hand corner)

iii. Name the New Folder

iv. Be sure to then navigate into the folder you just created so that the dialogue box shows Save In the folder you just created

v. In the File Name box

I. Erase the *.trn and replace it with whatever you want the file name for your tournament to be. It does not have to be the exact same name as the tournament, but this is an easy way to remember it

vi. Click Save

I. The active tournament file will always be saved in this folder

II. All backups will be saved within this folder in a folder titled “Bak”

5. File -> Properties

a. Shows a dialogue box with a number of Tabs with are dealt with on the next page

6. Tabs – only those listed need attention or action

a. General

i. Name

ii. Start Date and End Date

iii. Backup – specify a time interval, usually best to use15 minutes

iv. Path – shows the file pathway to where your tournament is saved. If you are ever unsure where your file is being saved, you can click the “Find Data File” button and the program will take you to your data file.

v. Single Expand Tree – checking will limit the expansion of the navigation tree in the left window pane. Some like this, some do not. Use what works for you.

vi. Log Add/Drops – check

vii. Validate on Exit – check

b. Options

i. The following boxes should be checked. All others should not be checked.

I. Label Speaker Position

II. Hide Codes on Ballots

III. Ranks skip on ties ii. School Order on Tree

I. Alpha– alphabetize by club name.

II. Code– alphabetize by club code.

III. You can always change it later.

c. Styles

i. Stoa Tournament – Check

ii. Click Apply and you will receive confirmation concerning Stoa presets

I. If the Stoa Tournament box is already checked, it is recommended to uncheck the box and click “OK.”  Then go back to File-> Properties -> Styles and recheck the Stoa Tournaments box and click “OK.”  

7. Import previous tournament information – if you have used Joy for a previous tournament this is a definite time saver

a. File -> Administration -> Import -> Import prior tournament data

i. Choose what information to import: E.g. Schedule, events, sweepstakes, rooms, etc.

8. Add Events

a. Right-click Events -> Add

b. Plan how you want to input events. You cannot change the order once you've entered the events. You could put them in alphabetical order all together, or split them by pattern.

c. Consider alphabetizing and putting the speech events first, and then the debate events LDV, Parli and TP at the bottom of the list.

d. Right-click any event to get to Properties for that event.

9. Event Properties – Right-click on any event – Tabs are as follows

a. Basic

i. Abbreviation, Name and Pattern ii.  Method

I. Section for Speech

II. Pair for Debate iii. Type

I. Team of 2 for Duo, TP, Parli

II. Individual for all else (including LDV) iv. Options

I. Draw – allows for listing of the Draw Time for Extemp (Some like this and some don’t like to use - because if the schedule changes they have to change the times on the postings). 

b. Rounds

i. Enter all the rounds and times

ii. For debate events, enter rounds all the way to finals so that the brackets display correctly. Do this even if the tournament stops short of finals.

iii. Panel the correct number of judges for Prelims and Outrounds

iv. Check Flight if flighting the event (If Flight Times desired on Postings and Ballots – see “e. Miscellaneous")

v. Check Flip for Sides in debate Outrounds

vi. Copy rounds from the same pattern to save repetitive entry

c. Rooms

i. Rooms can be added to each event after the rooms are entered – See E below.

ii. Rooms can be entered into Joy at any time. If they have already been entered, they can be added to events at this step in the process

iii. Right-click Events -> Rooms

iv. Try to do these alphabetically as this is how they will display on the postings. It is generally easier for students and parents to seethe rooms listed alphabetically. If you go back and make changes, the rooms will be listed in the order in which they have been listed or changed.

v. Copy the rooms from one round to the next

d. Options

i. Allow ties for last place on ballots - Check for speech events

I. Absolutely necessary to level uneven panel sizes

ii. Label Aff/Neg as Gov/Opp (Parli) – Check for Parli events

I. This will label all ballots and postings appropriately for Parli

e. Misc - this is the Tab that sets up Tabulation for the tournament

- this Tab is also where Flight Times are entered

For local tournaments, changes may only be made to Tabulation methods described in the Tab manual (e.g. tiebreakers, power-matching process) if announced in writing on the tournament registration website before tournament registration opens in keeping with the signed Stoa Tournament Registration Form.

  1. Speech Events

If the presets are not as listed, go back to the tournament set up under Admin-> Properties -> Style Tab and unclick Stoa Tournament and click OK. Then go back to the Style Tab and recheck Stoa

Tournament and check OK. Stoa presets should now be available for choosing. This process must often be followed if you are using data from a previous tournament to setup a new tournament. 

I. Tabulation Method – STOA.SPEECH

a. If you click edit, the tiebreakers can be found in the tabulation manual.

II. Prelim Ranking Rules – STOA.PRELIMS

b. If you click edit, the tiebreakers can be found in the tabulation manual.

NOTE: Breaking ties for speech events if two students are tied through all tiebreakers – Speechranks requires each student to have a unique place of finish.

Use the Show Power / Detail setting for the second and third rounds (if there is a third round) and break the tie by giving the higher placement to the student facing the more difficult competition. If tie is still unbroken, then coin toss is used to break any unbreakable ties as Speechranks requires each student to have a unique place of finish. 

III. Ballot Style

a. STOA Speech (w/ Penalties)

b. STOA Speech (no Penalties)

IV. Leave NFL Type at Non-Qualifying

V. Speaker Goal – whatever number of students you most desire in each panel

ii. Debate Events

I. These debate tiebreakers are believed to be the best possible method for debate tiebreaking.

a. Previous tiebreakers meant teams facing the toughest competition were often disadvantaged by earning lower Speaker Points and Ranks and teams facing easier competition were advantaged by earning higher Speaker Points and Ranks

b. Previous methods relied on the serial application of the three data points collected (most often resulting in data points that were never utilized)

1. Speaker Points

2. Speaker Rank

3. Opp W/L = Opposition Win vs Loss = Strength of Schedule

c. Teams with the highest Speaker Points were advantaged over the other data points

d. Speaker Rank and Strength of Schedule (Opp W/L) were often not considered

e. The current method applies all three data points at the same time utilizing the previous tiebreaking pattern. 

1. All three data points are ranked(similar to speech events) within record brackets (e.g. 6-0, 5-1, 4-2 etc..) and then combined giving each a one-third weighting

For local tournaments, changes may only be made to Tabulation methods described in this manual (e.g. tiebreakers, power-matching process) if announced in writing on the tournament registration website before tournament registration opens in keeping with the signed Stoa Tournament Registration Form. 

II. Tabulation Method – STOA.DEBATE

If the presets are not as listed, go back to the tournament set up under Admin-> Properties -> Style Tab and unclick Stoa Tournament and click OK. Then go back to the Style Tab and recheck Stoa Tournament and check OK. Stoa presets should now be available for choosing. This process must often be followed if you are using data from a previous tournament to set up a new tournament. 

III. If you click edit, the tiebreakers can be found in the tabulation manual.

NOTE: Coin toss is used to break any unbreakable ties as Speechranks requires each team to have a unique place of finish.

II. Speaker Ranking Rules – STOA.SPEAKERS

a. If you click edit, the tiebreakers can be found in the tabulation manual.

NOTE: Breaking ties for debate events if two students are tied through all tiebreakers – Speechranks requires each student to have a unique place of finish.

The student with the better Win/Loss record shall be given the higher place of finish. Coin toss is used to break any unbreakable ties as Speechranks requires each student to have a unique place of finish.


III. Ballot Style 

a. LDV - “Debate – Ranks for LD”   <–CHOOSE THIS!!!

b. TP – Default

c. Parli – Default

1. Remember for Parli -- under the Options Tab -- check the box “Label Aff/Neg as Gov/Opp (Parli)”

IV. Leave NFL Type at Non-Qualifying

V. Speaker Points – Minimum 6, Maximum 30

VI. Duration (in minutes) – prints Flight times on Postings and Ballots

a. List the length of time of the first Flight in the Single Performance window

b. Does not matter if Entire Round left at zero or filled in

VII. Speaker Goal – ignore as does not matter for debate

a. Non-flighted debate events will auto populate with “2”

b. Flighted debate events will auto-populate with “4”

D. Backing Up

1.     Plan frequent backups to flash drives

2.     You should have created a folder for the tournament when you originally saved the tournament

3.     Copy that entire folder with all the backups onto the flash drive

4.     Joy will Auto-Save every 15 minutes and create a backup folder at whatever interval you specify. The default setting is every 15 minutes. This means you are never have to recreate more than15 minutes of work

5.     Joy can be very particular about where you save your files

a.     Be careful about your backing up and saving

b.     Whatever file and folder you open the tournament from is the file location that will be saved to

c.      Where ever you last saved to is where all future saves and backups will go

6.     Backup to the flash drive after every significant Tab event, e.g.,

a.     After tournament set up, before entering or importing students

b.     After sectioning and printing a round

c.      After entering ballots for a round

d.     Any other time there is some down time, be sure you are backed up

 7.     “Save Copy As” allows you to save a separate copy to another file or location and to give it an identifying name to make it easy to determine when the backup was made

a.     Examples would represent progress in the tournament

i. Speech Round 2

ii. Speech Semis

iii. Debate Round 4

iv. Debate Quarters v. Etc.

8.     Have the tournament backed up to two different flash drives and have those carried by two different people at the end of each day.


E. Rooms

1.     Right-click Add

a.     Name

i. Try to keep it as short as possible as it improves the display

b. Notes

i. Any special notation, e.g. Tab, Judge Hospitality, Ballot Return

c. Times

i.       Default is always available

ii.     Availability can be specified

d. Checkboxes

i. Specify certain preferences ii. Generally, uncheck all the boxes

iii.   Not unchecking the boxes can lead to problems in Outrounds

e. Will alphabetize automatically, especially after a restart of the program.

2.     General room scheduling concepts

a.     Schedule the largest rooms for the best attended Speech Finals and Semifinals

i.       Duo draws the largest crowd ii. HI usually draws the next largest crowd

iii. Then OI, Expos, OO, etc…with the Limited Preps drawing the least

I.       There may be regional differences in event popularity

II.    Schedule based on what happens in your area

b.     Schedule large rooms for debate Outrounds, especially the later rounds

c.      Seek to minimize event movement

d.     Plan Extemp Prep rooms to be near competition rooms

e.      Plan for space for Expos paraphernalia, both for competition and storage

f.       Plan for tournament administration rooms, e.g., Tab, Judge Hospitality, etc.


F. Schools = Clubs

1.     Right-click Add

2.     Code

a.     Three or four letters

b.     Four letters generally offers better pattern recognition of the abbreviated name (Five letters is too long and wont display properly on postings)

3.     Name

a.     Full name of the club

b.     Try to keep to a single word or as short as possible (displays better on postings) 1. Match Club Names with those on Speechranks

a. Easiest during tournament set-up, but can be done before upload to Speechranks

c.      Enter any other information you wish

 G. Sweepstakes– Pre-Tournament

1.     Right-click on Event and Choose Sweepstakes.

2.     General comments (represents the Sweepstakes philosophy of NITOC)

a.     Should represent the “sweep” of the tournament

b.     All speeches and debates should receive credit

c.      A student should be rewarded for performing well on the first day of the tournament as well as performing well on the last day of the tournament

i.     More credit is earned as the tournament progresses to out rounds

d.     Large events are mathematically more difficult to win

e.      Large events can’t be given so much credit that the winner of a single large event wins sweepstakes. 

f.       One method is to divide events up by size, e.g. small, medium, large and extra large and decide how many points an event in each category is worth

g.     Attempt to implement meaningful mathematical progressions

3.     Speech Events - May count toward Speech Sweeps, Tournament Champion and Club Awards

            For example:

a.     Start with prelims – 100 minus 10 per place

i. 100 for 1st

ii. 90 for 2nd

iii.80 for 3rd

iv. 70 for 4th

v. 60 for 5th

vi. 50 for 6th

vii. 40 for 7th

viii. 30 for 8th

b.     Semis – 200 minus 20 per place

i. 200 for 1st

ii. 80 for 2nd

iii. 160 for 3rd

iv. 140 for 4th

v. 120for 5th

vi. 100 for 6th

vii. 80 for 7th

viii. 60 for 8th

c.      Finals – 400 minus 40 per place

i. 400 for 1st

ii. 360 for 2nd

iii. 320 for 3rd

iv. 280 for 4th

v. 240for 5th

vi. 200 for 6th

vii. 160 for 7th

viii. 120 for 8th

d.     This arithmetic progression gives a balanced number of points for finishing 1st in finals as it does for finishing 1stin both prelim rounds and semis combined.

i.     If finals were scored 400, 390, 380, 370, 360… it would weight finals far too heavily

ii.   Each place of finish in each round is given the same relative weight

Consider breaking your events down into category sizes like Extra Small, Small, Medium, Large and Extra Large. Using NITOC 2012 as an example.

                        Extra Small

                        Wildcard  15 students
3 Prelims 100 minus 10 per place
Finals  500 minus 50 per place



Total  800 (if first place in every round)
                       DI          43 students
3 Prelims 100 minus 10 per place
                       Expos  48 students
Semis  400 minus 40 per place
Finals  500 minus 50 per place



Total  1200 (if first place in every round)
Duo       63 students
3 Prelims 100 minus 10 per place
HI          70 students
Quarters 300 minus 30 per place
OI                    64 students
Semis  400 minus 40 per place
Pers                 65 students
Finals  500 minus 50 per place



Total  1500 (if first place in every round)
Apol                109 students
3 Prelims 100 minus 10 per place
Extemp            104 students
Quarters 300 minus 30 per place
OO                  96 students
Semis  500 minus 50 per place
Finals  700 minus 70 per place


                       Extra Large

Total  1800 (if first place in every round)
                        Cold Reading 222 students
3 Prelims 100 minus 10 per place


Quarters 300 minus 30 per place


Semis  600 minus 60 per place


Finals  900 minus 90 per place


Total  2100 (if first place in every round)

e. Copy Sweeps to other events of similar size

4. Debate Events -  May count toward Debate Sweeps, Tournament Champion, or Club Awards

a.     Plan for Total Points to match similar size speech event

b.     Award points for all rounds (similar to all speeches)

At an Example Tournament

Points for Debate Wins/Losses

E.g., TP 64 teams and/or LDV 68 students = Medium Speech Event

                        Prelim Rounds x 6

30 points for win, 5 point for loss(just as with Speech, students receive credit for participating in each round)

                         Total Prelim Points180 (if winning every round)


200 points for reaching Quarters and 250 points for winning (or reaching Semis)


                        350points for win

(Awards 250 points for reaching Semis via points awarded for winning Quarters)


                        500points for win

(Awards 350 points for reaching Finals via points awarded for winning Semis)


Total Points 1480 (if winning every round) Similar to the 1500 points for a Medium size speech event. 

Points for Speaker Awards - Must be calculated manually(demonstrated below), as not

currently supported in the software. Stoa has submitted request to have this feature added to the Sweepstakes calculations.

                  TP64 teams -> 128 Students = Large Speech Event

                                                  (Note that TP and Parli students are competing against twice as many

students as there are teams.)

                                          1800 Points minus 180 per place

                  LDV68 students = Medium Speech Event

                                          1500 Points minus 150 per place

Tournament Champion at NITOC = Speech Sweeps Points + Debate Points + Speaker

Awards Points

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