Tournament Setup Instructions

*As a reminder, at this time, only tournament registration is required on StoaHub. Tabulation, Ballot Administration, and Results are not currently available. Once those are ready, we will release them to be used by the league. Any area concerning those items can be skipped when setting up your tournament.*

Welcome to StoaHub. In order to set up a tournament, you must have a current paid annual registration. Whoever sets up a tournament will be the official administrator for that tournament. You can add more administrators once your tournament has been created. 

  1. Log in to your StoaHub account.

  1. Click on “Tournaments” at the top of the screen.

  1. Click “Create New Tournament”.

  1. Step 1 - Terms and Conditions - This step explains that there is a fee for each tournament depending on the size.

  1. Step 2 - Stoa Minimum Standards - This step will go over the Stoa minimum tournament standards that must be read and agreed to before your tournament will be approved. Each step must be read, understood, and agreed to by typing your initial. By typing your name and date at the bottom, you are verifying that you have read and agreed to all Stoa Minimum Tournament standards and requirements.

  1. Step 3 - Tournament Details - This step allows you to set up important details. Near the bottom, you have the option to duplicate settings from a previous tournament. Simply select which tournament and which features you want to duplicate. Once you have everything filled out, select “Next To Payment Details”. Note: Once you hit “Next To Payment Details”, your tournament will officially be created. If your computer crashes, or something goes wrong after you hit that button, DO NOT create your tournament again. To find your tournament, simply click on the StoaHub logo in the top left corner and it will show up on your homepage under My Tournaments, or click on the trophy icon in the top right corner and click “My Tournaments”. Your tournament will appear on your screen and you can select it to continue where you left off.

  1. Step 4 - Payment - This is where you will pay for your tournament. If you accidentally skipped this step, you can access the payment by going to Admin tab-Setup -Payment

  1. Step 5 - Completed - This step shows you that you have completed the steps.

  1. Once you have paid (and even if you haven’t paid), your tournament will be in a pending status until a Stoa admin approves it. While in a pending status, you may set up most details of your tournament. Your tournament will not show up on the Stoa calendar until it has been paid and officially approved.

Tournament Home Page

The main home page for all tournaments will have a consistent layout. This allows for uniformity. At the top of the screen, you will see your tournament name, hosting club, tournament date, and current status. On the left, you will see a space for a tournament logo. You can upload a custom image. Below that, there are the main tabs for the tournament. These tabs cannot be moved around. You will be able to add custom tabs which will appear below the fixed tabs.


  1. Home - This brings you back to the tournament home page

  1. Admin - This tab only appears to people who are an admin for this tournament. This tab allows you to access all tournament settings, ballot push, ballot return, and tab.

  1. Contact - This tab allows people to send an email message to the tournament admin email.

  1. Schedule - This tab shows the schedule and patterns for the tournament.

  1. Events - This tab shows you the events that have been set for your tournament.

  1. Family Registration - This tab is where families go to register for your tournament.

  1. Community Judge Registration - This tab is where community judges go to sign up to judge at your tournament. If you select this tab and copy the url, you can send that url via email or other means in order to send the direct link to this page to make it easy for community judges to sign up.

  1. Meals - This tab shows the meal options for your tournament. This tab is informational only. Meals will not be purchased on this tab. People will purchase meals under the Family Registration tab.

  1. Entries - This tab shows a published competitor list. This is optional.

  1. Postings - This tab is where all postings will be published.

  1. Results - This tab will show the tournament results once the tournament is over.

Admin Tab:

When you click on the “Admin” tab, you will be able to view the Admin dashboard.

  1. Home - This takes you back to the tournament home page.

  1. Admin - This gives you a snapshot look of family registrations, event entries, and judge registrations, as well as information on each round's ballot status.

  1. Contact - This tab will contain all contact information for registered families and clubs.

  1. View
    1. Family Contacts - Family contact information
    2. Club Contact - Club Administrator contact information
    3. Inbox - Shows any incoming messages sent through StoaHub
    4. Sent - Shows any outgoing messages sent through StoaHub

  1. Send
    1. Email - This is where you can send emails directly to Families, Clubs, Competitors, and/or Judges.

  1. Setup - This tab is where you’ll go to set all tournament settings and information

  1. Guided Setup - A tutorial to help set some of the basic settings of the tournament. All settings are changeable in other areas if you choose not to use the guided setup.

  1. Registration Dates - Sets your tournament timetable that will automatically change your status to allow your tournament to open, close, meals, judge registration, etc.
  2. Tournament Access - Set the tournament admins that will have access to admin features.
  3. Event Patterns - Sets your tournament patterns. The default shows 5 patterns available. You can set more at a later point if needed.
  4. Schedule Blocks - Sets your tournament schedule. Each item on the schedule is called a block. To post blocks that are not events, such as check in, announcements, meal times, awards,’ll need to select the Label Type to “Yes, this is a label type schedule block”. For each block, select the day/time, pattern, description, and duration. For “Yes, include pattern letter in postings”, this will usually be checked. For speech outrounds, uncheck this box and select Pattern A. Then type Speech Finals in the “Description” box. You’ll then need to make sure you select all the events that are going to finals in the “Event Scheduling” tab.   
  5. Events - Allows you to choose from the current Stoa events and assign the ones you are using to a pattern, assign an entries limit, and select if you want a waitlist for each event. NOTE: For events with partners (TP, Parli, Duo), one entry equals one team. Example: If you only have room for 30 teams, put the event entry limit for 30.
  6. Rooms - Set up the rooms that will be used at the tournament. This can be skipped for now as it’s not needed for registration. This will be covered in more detail in the Tabulation instructions.
  7. Fees - Set up your tournament fees for each competitor/event. For the graduated fee section, if you charge the same price for all speech events, put the dollar amount per event in the “Charge $” column. Then, put the maximum number of speech events you’re allowing in the “For First X Entries column. So if you charge $30 per speech no matter how many they do, and 6 events is your limit, the box should look like this.

This will charge someone $30 per speech event x 6 events is $180.

  1. Finished - Once you have finished, you can go back to the set up page by clicking on the blue “Tournament Setup page” link.

  1. Stoa Minimum Standards - This tab displays the Stoa Minimum Tournament Standards and gives you a record that you agreed to adhere to those standards.

  1. Payment - This tab shows your tournament paid status. If you didn’t pay for your tournament when you filled out the tournament application, you can do that here.

  1. Basic Info - This is where you can edit the tournament logo/avatar, tournament name, dates, facility, contact email, etc.

  1. Status - This is where you change the status of your tournament depending on which stage you’re in.

  1. Timetable - This is where you can update the automatic status of your tournament opening/closing. You can also set your access codes if you want people to register before or after registration closes.

  1. Access - Shows who has various levels of tournament admin access. You can add new access uses here.

  1. Homepage - Customizes your tournament page
    1. Splash Page - This is what the public will see on the main page when they click on your tournament.
    2. Links - This is where you can create your custom links/tabs that will appear on the home page. Examples would be script submission, dress code, host housing info, etc. These links can be moved around in where they appear, but they will always start after the default links/tabs on the home page.

  1. Meals - This is where you can set up meals for your tournament.

  1. Merch - This is where you can set up merchandise purchases.

  1. Advanced - Future feature

  1. Settings - This is where you can change the default tournament settings.
    1. Tournament - General
      1. Fee Sheet Visible - Allows people to view their registration.
      2. Accept Payments - Allows you to accept credit card payments.
      3. Show Registered Clubs - Makes clubs names that have signed up for your tournament public on the entries tab.
      4. Show Registered Entries - Makes student names for specific events public on the entries tab.
    2. Tournament - Ballots
      1. Use eBallots - Controls whether eBallots are available. (Not currently available. Coming soon!)
    3. Tournament - Clubs
      1. Require Address Confirmation - If you plan on physically mailing things to people, you’ll want to make sure this box is checked.
    4. Tournament - Email
      1. Tournament Email - Sets the default email address for the tournament.
    5. Tournament - Advanced - This is a tab feature.
      1. Break Lists - Allows break lists to be public on the home page.
      2. Timer Registration - Registering timers for tournaments.
    6. Debate - Judging - This is a tab feature and will be explained in the tabulation instructions.
    7. Debate - Pairing - This is a tab feature and will be explained in the tabulation instructions.
    8. Debate -Prelim Ranking - This is a tab feature and will be explained in the tabulation instructions.
    9. Debate - Ballots - This is a tab feature and will be explained in the tabulation instructions.
    10. Debate - Prelim Ranking - This is a tab feature and will be explained in the tabulation instructions.
    11. Debate - Speaker Ranking - This is a tab feature and will be explained in the tabulation instructions.
    12. Debate - Sweepstakes - This is a tab feature and will be explained in the tabulation instructions.
    13. Speech - Judging - This is a tab feature and will be explained in the tabulation instructions.
    14. Speech - Tab - This is a tab feature and will be explained in the tabulation instructions.
    15. Speech - Prelim Ranking - This is a tab feature and will be explained in the tabulation instructions.
    16. Speech - Sectioning - This is a tab feature and will be explained in the tabulation instructions.
    17. Speech - Postings - This is a tab feature and will be explained in the tabulation instructions.
    18. Speech - Sweepstakes - This is a tab feature and will be explained in the tabulation instructions.

  1. Patterns - This is where you can create/edit your speech patterns. You can also set the limit of how many speech events a competitor may enter per pattern.

  1. Schedule - This is where you can create/edit your tournament schedule.
    1. Schedule Blocks - Add new schedule blocks. For “Yes, include pattern letter in postings”, this will usually be checked. Uncheck this for speech outrounds, or any specific round that won’t match your pattern title.
    2. Reorder - Move around the schedule blocks you’ve created.
    3. Goals - Set the judging goals/targets for each schedule block.
    4. Deleted - If you deleted a schedule block and want to bring it back, do it here.

  1. Events - This is where you can add/edit your tournament events.
    1. Events - This tab will show you all the events you’ve created for your tournament. By clicking on each event, you’ll have access to that event’s specific settings.
      1. Pattern - Tells you which pattern the selected event is part of.
      2. Stoa Event - Tells you which event is selected.
      3. Event Type - Shows if the event is a speech or debate.
      4. Name - The event name.
      5. Category - There are 3 possible categories an event can fall into. Qualifying events are the current Stoa approved events. Non-Qualifying events are custom events that tournaments can offer, but they are not NITOC events and will not be posted on the league results page. Juniors events are designed for students who are part of the junior age range.
      6. Persons - How many people make up a team for that event. Most events will be 1, except for events that require a partner, which would be 2. 
      7. Event Entry Limit - This is where you cap the entries for an event. NOTE: For events with partners (TP, Parli, Duo), one entry equals one team. Example: If you only have room for 30 teams, put the event entry limit for 30.
      8. Waiting List - Allows for a waiting list to be created for the event.
      9. Ballot Template - Speech for speech events, LD for LD, Parli for Parli, and Team Policy for TP. Non Qualifying is for events that are not Stoa NITOC qualifying events. There is also a category for Juniors Speech and Junior Debate.
      10. Fee Category - This will enter your event into the correct fee category to be charged.
      11. Event Rules - Select the corresponding event rule with the selected event. This is mainly for eBallots, which are not currently available.
      12. Schedule - This is where you assign the event to its designated schedule block.
      13. Event Settings - These are the settings for each individual event. The default is what you set in the tournament settings. The event settings will override the default tournament settings for each specific event. For Speech events:
        1. Judging - Tournament Default
        2. Postings - For Extemp, make sure this box is checked. All other events will be unchecked. No change needed.
        3. Prelim-Ranking - Tournament Default. No change needed.
        4. Sectioning - You can update the Max Speakers per section to reflect the amount of students per room.
        5. Sweepstakes - You can update this section for this specific event.
        6. Tab - You can update the Max Rank for prelims and elims per section to reflect the amount of students per room.
          1. For Debate events:
        7. Ballots - Team 1 Label: Affirmative for LD and TP, Gov for Parli. Team 2 Label: Negative for LD and TP, Opp for Parli.
        8. Judging - Tournament Default
        9. Pairing - Tournament Default
        10. Prelim-ranking - Tournament Default
        11. Speaker-ranking - Tournament Default
        12. Sweepstakes - You can set the event specific sweepstakes points.
        13. Tab - Tournament Default
      14. Advanced Options - 3 letter abbreviation for event if importing into Joy.
      15. Delete - This will delete this event.
    2. Reports - TBD
    3. Add Event - This is where you can add events if you didn’t do that in the guided setup.
    4. Scheduling - This is where you can select which events are being held in which schedule block per each day. For Speech Finals, select all the events going to finals.
    5. Prompts - Future feature for eBallots.
    6. Exclusions - If you would like to restrict registration in two events (for example, students in extemp can not register in any other event) you can add those here.
    7. Advanced - This setting will limit the total number of speech events a single competitor can register for at the tournament.
    8. Deleted - Shows events that were deleted and gives the ability to restore.

  1. Rooms - This is not needed for registration. This is only needed if you will be scoring on StoaHub. This section is where you can set all the room settings.
    1. Rooms - Shows all the rooms that were entered for the tournament. When you click on a specific room:
      1. Building - Which building the room is in.
      2. Room Name - The name of the room.
      3. Priority - You can set the priority of the room to be used.
      4. Comments - Notes you can make for the room.
      5. Schedule - You can select which schedule blocks the rooms will be used.
      6. Delete - You can delete rooms here.
    2. Reports - Shows how many rooms are needed per schedule block in relation to how many students are registered.
    3. Add Room - Here is where you can add new rooms.
    4. Scheduling - You can schedule which rooms are being used per day per schedule block.
    5. Targeting - Assign specific events to specific rooms.
    6. ADA Rooms - If you have a student or judge who has to be assigned a specific room for any reason, you can do that here.
    7. Deleted  - Shows deleted rooms that can be restored if needed.

  1. Fees - This is where you set up your stripe account, entry fees, coupons, and discounts
    1. Setup - This is where you link your stripe account so that registrations can be deposited directly to you.
    2. Fees - This is where you can set the registration fees for your tournament. For the graduated fee section, if you charge the same price for all speech events, put the dollar amount per event in the “Charge $” column. Then, put the maximum number of speech events you’re allowing in the “For First X Entries column. So if you charge $30 per speech no matter how many they do, and 6 events is your limit, the box should look like this.

This will charge someone $30 per speech event x 6 events is $180.

  1. Coupon - This is where you can create coupons for families.
    1. Title - What you want the fee discount to be called.
    2. Code - This is the code that you will give out.
    3. Max Uses - You can limit how many times this coupon can be used. If unlimited, keep at 0.
    4. Multiple Use - Allows a family to use the code multiple times.
    5. Off Fee Type - You can select what this code applies to. All tournament fees, just the student fees, just the meal fees, or other fees.
    6. Coupon Type - You can either choose a percentage that someone will get off their fees, or a flat amount off.
  2. Discounts - Discounts are similar to coupons, except that they are automatically applied without the need for a code. For instance, a 10% discount could automatically be applied to all families with more than three children competing, to help offset the high cost of a large family. Another example could be an "early bird discount", that would provide an incentive for families to register early.
  3. Competitors - Competitor registration settings
    1. Requests - This is a future feature.
  4. Judges - Judge registration settings
    1. Judging Requirements - This is where you will set the judging requirements for each family that registers
    2. Community Judges - 
      1. Community Judge Registration - Make sure this box is checked. It allows community judges to register once registration is open.
      2. Registration Open - Leave this box unchecked. When you set the time table for when Community Judge Registration opens, this box will automatically check at that date and time. You can override your time table at any time by checking this box to let community judges register immediately. 
      3. Message for Community Judge Page - This is where you can customize the message that community judges see when they first click on “Community Judge Registration” on your tournament home page.
      4. Message for Confirmation Email - This is where you can customize the message that your community judges see after they complete their registration.
    3. Judge Requests - This tab allows you to customize specific judge questions if you want to collect more information.

  1. Entries - This tab contains information on registration.
    1. View/Edit
      1. Families - View/Edit the family entries
        1. When you click on a family, you can see the students that are registered for that family, which events they are registered in, and who their partners are. It will also show the judges that are signed up for that family. You can click on a student and see their profile. From here, you can drop them from an event by clicking on which event you want to drop them from and select “Yes, drop this entry” and then hit update.
        2. Reports -  This tab is where you would go to see any reports that you would like generated.
        3. Unsubscribe - You can select families to no longer receive emails from the tournament.
      2. Clubs - This shows you all the clubs that have signed up for your tournament. 
        1. When you click on a club, you can see all the individual students under that club. You can also see all judges assigned to that club. You can click on a student and see their profile. From here, you can drop them from an event by clicking on which event you want to drop them from and select “Yes, drop this entry” and then hit update.
        2. Reports - Lists the number of debate, speech, and total competitors by club.
        3. Masks - A mask is a random abbreviation that represents each club. This abbreviation is used when looking at pairings in tab. This is where you can view and assign the masks for each club.
        4. Sweepstakes - This would be where you would assign club sweepstakes. (Not currently available)
      3. Competitors - This is where you can see the competitors from each club.
        1. Select which club you want to see the competitors for.
        2. Reports - Generate reports
        3. ADA Notices - Shows you if there are special considerations for a competitor.
      4. Entries - Shows event entries.
        1. Entries - Shows the entries for each event. If you select a student in this menu, you’re able to drop the student from that entry.
        2. Reports- Access reports for tournament entries.
        3. Add Entry - Here you can add a competitor to a specific event.
        4. Dropped Entry - This is where you can see all events that were dropped.
    2. Reports
      1. All Family Reg Data - A detailed registration report by family.
      2. All Club Reg Data - A detailed registration report by club.
      3. Meal Registrations - A detailed meal registration report.
      4. Merch Orders - Shows a report of all merchandise ordered.
      5. Change Log - This is a log that shows any registration changes made for the tournament, who made them, and when they were made.
      6. Fees - Shows the balance of each family
        1. Charges - This is where you can add a specific charge to a specific family, such as a late or drop fee.
        2. Payments - This is where you can see all the payments made. You can also add payments manually if people paid another way cash/check/venmo/paypal,etc.
        3. Redeemed Coupons - This is where you can see which coupons were used. You can also manually add or delete coupons here.
    3. Export - This is where you can export the correct data that you need to import into Joy if you are going to use Joy for your tournament scoring.

  1. Tab - This will be addressed in another document.

  1. Ballot Push - This is where you can find the information for all judges. 

  1. Judges - This is where you can see all of the judges who have signed up to judge at your tournament.
    1. Judges - Shows name, judge number, family, state, type, and phone number for each judge.
    2. Reports - This is where you can view various judge reports
      1. Judging Goals - See that status on how many judges signed up vs how many you’re hoping for each round.
      2. Judge List - Shows all judge entries.
      3. Judge Request - Shows the answers to the judge questions if that is something you built in.
      4. Judge Badges - This is where you can print the judge badges for the tournament.
      5. Judge Signups - This report shows which judges signed up for each round.
      6. Judge Boards - This is where you can see how many rounds each judge is supposed to judge based on their registration and how many rounds they actually judged.
    3. Add Judge - This is where you can manually enter a judge before the tournament or at the tournament. Judge check in will use this screen.
    4. Scheduling - This is where you can edit which rounds judges are assigned to.
    5. Event Targeting - This shows which event types your judges are signed up for.
    6. Dropped Judges - This is where you can see any judges you deleted.

  1. Constraints - Constraints allow you to restrict judges from being automatically assigned a particular club and/or competitor.
    1. Club - Select a judge and then select a club you want them to be constrained against.
    2. Competitor - Select a judge and then select an individual competitor that the judge is constrained against.

  1. Assign Judges - To be covered in the Ballot Push/Return document.
  2. Change Judges - To be covered in the Ballot Push/Return document.

  1. Ballot Return - To be covered in the Ballot Push/Return document.
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